Dreaming of stone

Dreaming of stone

Dreaming of stones means that you are an imposing person, with a personality that is too strong. You are very difficult when it comes to changing your position on a certain topic. It can also mean the arrival of stumbling blocks in some projects and businesses that you are ahead of. Keep going, do not let yourself be collapsed by situations that clearly have a solution.

Dreaming of large stones means authenticity and superiority. Large stones are often used as defense mechanisms. It represents the strength you need to face each and every one of the obstacles that will arise along the way.

Dreaming of small stones means that you are a person with a lot of vision and with a very firm position in life. You are characterized by defending your ideals until the last moment. You are quite a self-conscious person, you should try to be a little more open and express what you feel in the best possible way.

Dreaming of colored stones means firmness and hardness, but each color determines the meaning that the emotional vibrations of the person present. A gray stone means the immobility of feelings and tranquility. The yellow stone means obstacles that you must overcome. The purple stone, changes in the physical and spiritual plane and the brown stone can be interpreted as success and prosperity.

Dreaming of river stones means that situations of great joy will come into your life due to the consolidation of your family and partner relationships. It is a good time to make an important decision in your life.

Dreaming of white stones, symbolizes self-confidence. You are going through a moment where you must show what you are made of and that will be your best weapon to face the challenges that lie ahead. You must surround yourself with a lot of positive energy and a lot of vitality. Always keep your own criteria very firm, that is the key to success.

Dreaming of falling stones means that you are going to experience a change in your feelings. Your morals and beliefs will also be affected by the changes, which are the result of a transformation that you began a long time ago.

Dreaming of a stone path means that you will undergo a change in your feelings. You have always characterized yourself as a very loving and kind person. Your new facet will be someone colder and less demonstrative.

To dream that stones are thrown at you, means that, in the not too distant future, you will be the victim of criticism and slander. You must have a lot of strength in these types of situations and improve your self-confidence. That the comments and gossip of others do not achieve their task of affecting you.

Dreaming of stones in the mouth is synonymous with difficulty. It means that you have a great responsibility that you want to shed. You want the freedom to be able to express your emotions and your feelings without having to think about the serious consequences that this could bring for you.


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